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Lottie learns to swim

photo 3photo 5  Lottie loved paddling, but was just not brave enough to venture out of her depth. Her owners wanted her to learn to swim as they were sure she’d enjoy it once she got started, and because they wanted to know she would be safe if she should fall into the nearby canal or reservoir.
Fortunately, they didn’t make the same mistake many others do and simply throw her in. Sure, most dogs will manage to stay afloat with frantic, inefficient kicking (as will most people, for a short time), but that’s a world away from a strong and effective purposeful swimming stroke. We are sad to say that we regularly meet dogs coming to help get over a real fear of water which started when they were thrown or fell in, often with their owner’s best intentions.
Lottie came for a learn-to-swim session and proved to be a quick learner- here she is in the second picture the very next day!
Call us on 01484 450022 if you would like to know more about swimming sessions for your dog.